Shakespearean Authorship Trust • Who Wrote Shakespeare?

SAT Conference 2019
Sunday 24 November

The Shakespearean Authorship Trust, in collaboration with Brunel University, presents “He told me that Rebellion had bad luck” : Shakespeare, Essex, and Authorship

The Essex Rebellion was an important turning point in English history, and it was important to whoever wrote the works of Shakespeare. As we face our own political upheavals in this country, come and find out how the Essex Rebellion impacted the author, from a number of different perspectives: Stratfordian, Baconian, Oxfordian, Nevillian, and Marlovian. Click on speaker names to see relevant details.


Includes readings from some of our leading Shakespearean actors. With regret, due to acting commitments in America, Mark Rylance will not be able to attend this year’s conference.
Tickets: 50 British Pounds

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