SAT Membership Site

together in doubt

Welcome to the membership site of the Shakespearean Authorship Trust

The SAT is a non-denominational organisation where doubters of all stripes are welcome. Our Board of Trustees includes Baconians, Groupists, Marlovians, Nevillites, Oxfordians, and Sidneyians. We welcome you, no matter who you believe is behind the works of Shakespeare, including the man from Stratford! We foster discussion in a collegial atmosphere of mutual respect.

Members of the SAT have access to our digital archive, digital quarterly newsletters, and exclusive offers, such as early-bird booking to the Members-Only Annual Gathering, as well as access to sold-out events, such as the Sonnet Walks.


SAT Annual Conference 2020

Usually members will have priority booking for our in-person conference. But in November 2020, because our conference was online, we were able to offer tickets to members completely free.

Click here to view details of the 2020 conference.

We hope you join us for the next Annual Gathering and the 2021 Conference. Check your emails for announcements.

Digital Archive

Welcome to the SAT’s digital archive. We regularly collect and scan items from our large library of materials about the authorship question and upload them here for members to access.

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Quarterly newsletters are announced via email. You can always download the current issue here, as well as past issues.