SAT Conference 2009
Sunday 15 November
The Shakespearean Authorship Trust, in collaboration with Brunel University London, presents:
Challenging Authority
This day features presentations and discussions of the lives and writings of some of the authors around Shakespeare who challenge authority.
Mrs. Frieda Barker discusses Marlowe’s anti-authoritarian writing and the history of the case for Marlowe as the secret writer of Shakespeare.
SAT Trustees Mark Rylance and Charles Beauclerk deliver two brief talks on the challenge of authority in the lives of Sir Francis Bacon and Edward De Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.
Robert Nield and Joan Robinson introduce their case for William Hastings.
Claire van Kampen discusses her research into the first English translation of Euripides’ play, Iphigenia, by the teenage Lady Jane Lumley in the 1550s.
Ms. Robin Williams discusses Mary Sidney’s situation as a patron of writers and indeed a woman writer herself, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth and King James.
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